Thursday, May 28, 2009

The end of Romeo and Juliet! Jonathan Gonzalez

Introduction - "A Pair of Star-Crossed Lovers Take Their Life"

The events that lead to the death of Romeo and Juilet are that both of thier families don't get along in Verona. Romeo and Juliet familes didn't get along because the montagues and capulets are rivals. They been rivals for a while do to things in the past.

Romeo Profile

Romeo is a Montague. He is 18 years old. Romeo personality is kind and caring and really love juliet. The people that are associated with him are Benvolio and the Friar and they think hes cool and kind to be around.

Juliet Profile

Juliet is a capulet. She is barely 12. Juliet was a nice girl and she really loves romeo and she is nice. The people she is associated with is the nurse and she thinks juliet ia a pretty nice girl and also chill.

Statements from a Capulet

The nurse says:

“Well if you really like Romeo go ahead and marry him but really think about your life before you go ahead and get married. Also don’t go ahead and get pregnant right now wait until your older and more mature and do what you really think is right, and if your mom ever tells you if gave you advice like this tell her I did but don’t tell I told you to marry Romeo.”

Statements from a Montague

Benvolio says:

“Well Romeo you should think about the consequences before you go ahead and get married with Juliet because if her family finds out that you guys are seeing each other they will try to kill you. So Romeo do you think she is the one for you because if she not don’t even think about marrying her.”


The prince will punish the two households by getting forced to get along with each other and if not who ever disobey the order will get vanished. The friar could be put on trial because he the one that was going to marry them, and he was the one that gave Juliet the fake poison so it could look like she died. Romeo heard the wrong news and heard that Juliet died so Romeo took the real poison right before Juliet was waking up so she saw him dying slowly.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cesar Chavez

1.Cesar Chavez was a American citizen and was born in Yuma Arizona.

2.Cesar Chavez and his family became migrant workers after losing their farm in the Great Depression.

3.Cesar attended more than 30 elementary and middle schools. After he dropped he worked full time in the fields and also joined the navy in 1946.

4.The CSO was Community Service Organization. The kind of work he did for them was with immigration and tax problems, and taught them how to organize to deal with problems like police violence and discrimination. H quited after organization turned down his request to organize farmworkers in 1962.

5.What i think all of them have in common are that they are leaders. "The strikers faced odds that could not be overcome by traditional labor tactics."

6.They were farm workers and they started getting hired because they will work for a little bit of money unlike Americans getting payed allot

7.The other ethnic group that help achieve equality minority farm workers.

8.The crop they used to organize a boycott was grape. Yes the boycott was successful.

9.The great leader the grandpa mentioned was John Kennedy. Cesar Chavez was important to him because he had the short handled hoe in my hand and also he will tell him "si se puede"

10 The grandpa and his grandchild celebrated Cesar Chavez birthday in school.

11."The short one,” was a hoe that was only twenty-four inches long, forcing the farmworkers who used it to bend and stoop all day long—a position that often led to lifelong, debilitating back injuries.".

12.Yes there is and they are his birthday on march 31 and a elementary named after him.

13. "We want to be recognized, yes, but not with a glowing epitaph on our tombstone..." I chose this quote because it is better making a change then people to know who you are.

14.Respect for life and knowledge because both of this is good in your life if you want to be someone when you grow up.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

1a. George shot Lennie because Lennie killed Curleys wife. Curley was going to kill him and torture him. So George shot Lennie so he wont go tortured or through anything else. Even though Lennie has mental problems doesn't mean he will get treated good.

1b. I think shooting Lennie was the best thing because than Lennie would be punished for killing Curley wife. George killed him because he felt bad and wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to him. Last but not least George needed to move on by himself not with Lennie because than he cant go to places with him for example party, bar and much more.

2a. The father euthanizes his daughter. He did that because his daughter Eluana Englano has been in a vegetative state for 17 years. I think he did this because he didn't think she will wake up, so he euthanized her.

2b. I agree with him . I agree because if he shes been in a comma for 17 years and then she might not be the same. Also she might not like that she cant remember things and shell be saying shed rather of been dead. That why i agree with him euthanizing her.

3a. Mr. Lupoe was negative because he didn't have a job or money. He might of been thinking who will pay the rent, buy food, and take care of his 5 kids. Mr Lupoe didn't have confidence in himself that he will get another job or get help.

3b. The 1st thing they can do is put the kids up for adoption. The 2nd thing is try to get another job. The last resort could be try to sell things they don't need. if they don't want to put the kids up for adoption they could tell a family member if they could take care of them until they can take care of the properly.

4a. Some people think euthanasia is bad but i think euthanasia is alright like in the atricle of the girl in a comma. Unlike Mr.Lupoe he killed himself, wife and sons. That was not a good reason to euthanise your family.

Monday, March 2, 2009

=Of MiCe AnD mEn=

1)Yes it was ok to encourage lennie to fight so people know he can stand up for himself. I dont think there could of been a better solution. I think this because then no one will pick on Lennie when george isn't there.

2)No but at the same time yes because he aint always have someone by his side like George. Yes he should but if he doesnt want to he dont need to. Also Lennie should get the same rights as regular people.

3)If curley will not be aggressive he will get atleast a little respect. If curley will get respect there buissness will go smoother. Also i think half of his workers will give him respect because some might of had problems with the Curleys dad.

4)No because Curley wife is married. Also Slim wouldnt want trouble with the bosses son. 1 reason is because he could get fired or get payed less.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fight to the Death

Bart Simpson will make a good Ralph because i think he would be a good leader even though he's short but hes mature stands up for himself and he is really smart.

I chose Stewie to be jack because people are scared of him even tough he is small and mostly he evil and crazy.

I chose Carl to be piggy because he has a lot of the same characteristic as piggy like scary cat, weak, annoying, slow, and has specs.

I chose Dan Curtis lee aka cookie to be Simon because the have same characteristic like smart, short, athletic.
I chose Randy Orton as Roger because they are both evil, insane, strong and cold blooded.

The beasties i choose will be a snake, bat, and rocks that look like things they hate.

I chose prison cave because people might be scared of jail and also of dark caves so it will be intresting.
7b)What I will change how they die, how they get food, and get save or rescued and last but no least if they messed up how they get punished.
8)I will change the title from Lord of the Flies to Fight to the Death.