Monday, March 2, 2009

=Of MiCe AnD mEn=

1)Yes it was ok to encourage lennie to fight so people know he can stand up for himself. I dont think there could of been a better solution. I think this because then no one will pick on Lennie when george isn't there.

2)No but at the same time yes because he aint always have someone by his side like George. Yes he should but if he doesnt want to he dont need to. Also Lennie should get the same rights as regular people.

3)If curley will not be aggressive he will get atleast a little respect. If curley will get respect there buissness will go smoother. Also i think half of his workers will give him respect because some might of had problems with the Curleys dad.

4)No because Curley wife is married. Also Slim wouldnt want trouble with the bosses son. 1 reason is because he could get fired or get payed less.


crystal said...

you did a swell job!! =)

Edgar said...

I agree on number one because Lennie should stand up for himself when George isn't around

Selene said...

I agree in #4 because she shouldnt be flirting when shes married. thats just not right.

Erika♥ said...

I agree with yours because ther is a lot of detale. And i mostly like the first one because Lennie should stand up for himself. Even when George is't ther.

DANiA said...

You Did A Good Job!!

IVAN "PINKY" said...

i agree with you on the first question. i think he should stand up for himself.

Paola said...





how yooh been?